...and the children played - scenes of candid childhood play, inspired by Patricia Joudry's book by the same name. Observations inspired by her words that protect children's right to play with minimum judgment and interference, explore at their own pace and grow naturally. A work in progress
We of the shiny eyes salute you
With sweet breath
& twitching cuddles
We praise all the years
You've invested in
making us human beings.
Seeing with sparkles and jumping
through creative highs
We are wild
We are free
Seeing the World with independent eyes
Dreaming our play through satisfied sighs.
We of the shiny minds salute you!
With sweet breath
& twitching cuddles
We praise all the years
You've invested in
making us human beings.
Seeing with sparkles and jumping
through creative highs
We are wild
We are free
Seeing the World with independent eyes
Dreaming our play through satisfied sighs.
We of the shiny minds salute you!