This beautiful lady. Elle; a bride to be, mother of four, grandmother of nine. Foster-carer for babies and children. In her small home you find a hefty dose of non nonsense love, plenty of cats, a cat loving dog, beautiful handmade heirlooms and her large family coming and going. This summer she marries Keith, what a lucky man!
Henrietta Park machine knits fine, pure Scottish wool, which she then felts to make beautifully soft fabrics. She designs and sews coats, skirts, jackets, vest, hats and more. A true handmade craft, made with detail and great skill. You will find her shop, which is open all year around at the bustling Gabriel's Wharf at the Southbank of the river Thames in London. A couple of weekends ago I photographed her collection for her updated website to be and other promotional work. It was a pleasure working with her and the lovely model Ellie Youngman, who patiently wore warm woollies in June. This is just a snippet. I have many photos to develop in the next few days of Henrietta's colourful collection.